Alien Encounters, Stories, and UFO Sightings From 2008 to Present

Every day there are hundreds of UFO sightings and even many Alien encounters all over this big blue globe. Unfortunately, no one seems to document them extensively for research purposes anymore. Even though the study of these visiting vacationers is an important step to understanding as much as we can about them.
So here we have an updated list of encounters and sightings submitted by people all over the world just like you. They have been up close and personal with these extraterrestrials and flying saucers. We leave no stories out and are all completely unedited accounts (Including spelling and grammar) organized by date of submission.
We encourage anyone whom may have had any sort of encounter or sighting to report them to us here so we may document them for future reference.
Latest UFO Sightings and Alien Encounters
Submitted 02/24/2016 -Sisters Encounter UFO in Yuma, AZ- A strange aircraft swoops down from the sky and hovers in front of our car. I never saw it coming
Submitted 02/21/2016 -UFO Caught on Security Cam- Don't know what it could be says the sender.
Submitted 12/24/2015 -Olympic Penninsula Sightings- Lots of pictures of what could be an alien presence.
Submitted 11/29/2015 -Many Strange Things Going on- It looked pale, with a slightly larger head than human, slightly bigger eyes and seemed to have wrinkles on its forehead.
Submitted 10/31/2015 -Jeffersonville Indiana Sighting- A UFO right over my house in the daylight.
Submitted 09/29/2015 -UFO Over Quebec City, Canada- Took these pictures while on vacation from Florida.
Submitted 08/19/2015 -Gray Alien Caught on Trail Cam- Noticed a humanoid in the background of my trail cam pictures.
Submitted 08/18/2015 -Strange Light over Scottish Highlands- Long exposure image.
Submitted 06/24/2015 -Abducted in Wyandotte Michigan-Naked and lots of time lost.
Submitted 06/19/2015 -Flying UFO over Joplin Recreation Area-We didn't see it until we looked at the pics.
Submitted 04/13/2015 -Ape Like Alien-And a silent UFO.
Submitted 03/28/2015 -Aliens in my House-Night after night.
Submitted 03/28/2015 -Small Dead Alien-Found in Moreno Valley, CA.
Submitted 03/19/2015 -Floating Aliens in Cairo Egypt-They came in through my balcony.
Submitted 02/19/2015 -Sighting in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico-Sometime between 1971 and 1974.
Submitted 01/09/2015 -Woke up to Alien-It didn't scare me, but made me feel calm.
Submitted 12/31/2014 -Was it Sleep Paralysis-Or was there an alien above me?
Submitted 12/27/2014 -Many Encounters-May have an alien implant.
Submitted 12/13/2014 -Large Bright Object by Moon-I filmed it quickly flying by the moon.
Submitted 11/16/2014 -Abducted by Blue Gray Aliens-Loss of time throughout my life after the abduction.
Submitted 10/27/2014 -Triangle UFO Over North Sea-Many of us on an oil rig saw the massive object fly over us.
Submitted 10/05/2014 -Caught an Object Over a Hotel-This hotel was being demolished so I took pictures and captured this.
Submitted 10/02/2014 -Abducted and Tested on by Aliens?-Lifted out of my bed with physical evidence.
Submitted 09/28/2014 -Alien Eye Change-My eyes sometimes change to cat-like eyes.
Submitted 09/25/2014 -Google Sky UFO-I was looking at the Sagittarius constellation and couldn't believe what I saw.
Submitted 08/01/2014 -Abduction and a Silver Haired Man-He knew me and said I was on a space ship with him.
Submitted 07/19/2014 -Dragged Out of Bed by Aliens-My wife and I both woke up with puncture wounds.
Submitted 07/05/2014 -Alien or Government Abduction in Silver Springs-He saw a gray-blue creature.
Submitted 06/12/2014 -Visiting Aliens Chandigarh India-Magical creatures used to talk to me.
Submitted 06/06/2014 -Secret Alien Base.-Was it a dream or not?
Submitted 06/06/2014 -Reptilian Creature in other Dimension-It had scales.
Submitted 05/11/2014 -UFO Sighted Over Toulouse France-It was moving across the sky.
Submitted 04/30/2014 -Green Triangle in Kentucky-It was just hovering over a WalMart.
Submitted 03/26/2014 -Abducted by Interdimensional Entities-It started in 1982 and still happens today.
Submitted 03/21/2014 -Alien in a Jar-Supposed alien found in Paraguay.
Submitted 02/12/2014 -UFO over cruise ship Inspiration-Multiple pictures of saucer shaped UFO lights.
Submitted 01/26/2014 -Byron Bay to Gold Coast Australia UFO-It shot down from the sky to the left of the highway and we were amazed.
Submitted 12/29/2013 -Fairborn Ohio UFO Sighting-It was oval shaped and looked like it had three or four rows of lights stacked on it.
Submitted 08/30/2013 -UFO Sighting in Swanage-This is a photo I took over the seaside resort of Swanage in southern England.
Submitted 05/29/2013 -Rash and Alien Implant Behind TV-There were long finger prints on the TV as well.
Submitted 03/21/2013 -The Devil's Punchbowl Horror-Amazing UFO and Alien Encounter
Submitted 03/14/2013 -Aliens Standing Over My Bed Kissimmee Fl.-Two of them standing over my bed.
Submitted 01/15/2013 -Strange Objects Over Mississippi River Iowa-UFO crafts and possible creature on camera.
Submitted 12/19/2012 -Black Triangle UFO Banning CA-Very high sightings in this area.
Submitted 11/12/2012 -1980s Abduction Missing Time-Possible CIA or FBI Involvement.
Submitted 10/30/2012 -UFO over Maungaturoto, New Zealand-Many sightings all of the time.
Submitted 09/18/2012 -Possible UFO over Skiathos, Greece?-Picture of the UFO found after vacation.
Submitted 09/01/2012 -Pictures of UFOs from Plane-SWA flight from Las Vegas to Pittsburgh.
Submitted 08/30/2012 -UFO Abductions in Arizona-At first I thought they were dreams.
Submitted 08/26/2012 -UFO in Guatemala-It disappeared instantly in the sky.
Submitted 07/26/2012 -Many UFOs in Space-Moving at different speeds and being in formation (Video).
Submitted 07/24/2012 -Many UFO Sightings in Raleigh N.C.-Large object in backyard.
Submitted 05/12/2012 -1974 UFO Sighting-Three girlfriends witness large UFO.
Submitted 05/04/2012 -Multiple Sightings in Illinois-The whole family has seen the UFOs.
Submitted 04/01/2012 -Possible Abduction in MA-White Orb put me back.
Submitted 03/06/2012 -Talking to Beings -Are they from another dimension?
Submitted 02/01/2012 -The Real Chupacabra -Chupacabra reptilian alien skull found.
Submitted 11/06/2011 -Square UFO Sighting in Vermilion, OH 2001-At first I thought I was seeing things until it was on the news.
Submitted 09/27/2011 -Close up UFO Sighting Driving from London to South Ockendon-Afterwords I couldn't remember anything.
Submitted 09/26/2011 -My Multiple UFO Sightings in Alexandria, Egypt-Couldn't get a picture but they kept coming.
Submitted 09/02/2011 -UFO Sighting in 2000 Over Redlands, Ca-Multiple witnesses with a video of how the UFO moved.
Submitted 06/01/2011 -Cube Shaped UFO Sighting in Carbondale, Co-With a map of the event and an artist's rendition of the craft.
Submitted 05/19/2011 -Alien Abduction Bristol, Illinois-A UFO came down and abducted me, later injected an alien implant.
Submitted 03/21/2011 -UFOs Caught on Camera Above Saftey Harbor, FL-UFOs seen while delivering pizzas.
Submitted 03/21/2011 -Alien Abduction, and Alien Implants-A life time of alien encounters.
Submitted 03/17/2011 -UFO Spotted in Fordingbridge, Hampshire, England-It was a big white streak that turned into a UFO.
Submitted 03/16/2011 -UFO Spotted in Innerkip, Ontario-Multiple witnesses saw the same UFO.
Submitted 03/03/2011 -UFO Attracted by Necklace-Woke up to a large black UFO.
Submitted 02/07/2011 -Strang ORB in Picture-While in a drum circle at Pete-Z-Area.
Submitted 01/09/2011 -Family Alien Abduction, ESP, and Implants-We Were Abducted for at least two generations...
Submitted 01/02/2011 -UFO Picture From Yucca Valley, California-Close Up Picture of the UFO.
Submitted 12/13/2010 -Area 51 Commaner Talks About The UFO Crash-Exclusive Story
Submitted 12/06/2010 -UFO Witnessed in Colorado-Lights in the sky changing in front of everyone.
Submitted 07/06/2010 -Alien Caught on Camera at Window Or spirit?-Simply Amazing
Submitted 06/30/2010 -culpeper, VA June UFO Sighting-With Pictures!
Submitted 06/04/2010 -UFO Spotted in Sky by Mount Macedon Australia-It kept changing direction and getting brighter as it increased speed.
Submitted 05/15/2010 -Cone Shaped UFO Witnessed by Hundreds of People in Tacoma WA-We all saw it the police denied it.
Submitted 05/09/2010 -Very Large UFO Sighting In California-Possibly a mother ship.
Submitted 04/27/2010 -Weird Looking Craft Over the Horizon-We had no idea what it was.
Submitted 03/31/2010 -Non Believer Sees a UFO In Beirut, Lebanon-It flew erratically.
Submitted 03/13/2010 -Aliens Visiting Earth For Eons-Many Species of Aliens Visit Earth.
Submitted 03/07/2010 -UFO Sighting Over Lake Superior-In Duluth Minnesota the UFO hovered and then shot off.
Submitted 02/28/2010 -UFO Bible Connection-Were there aliens visiting Earth during biblical times?
Submitted 02/04/2010 -Abducted Out of My Room-They said I was the "chosen one" and brought to their planet.
Submitted 01/21/2010 -Multiple UFO Sightings In Norway-They seem to come in the spring and summer.
Submitted 01/03/2010 -UFO Sighting In Fremont California-It was a triangle and went right over us.
Submitted 12/18/2009 -Chased by Alien in Indian Florida-It chased me out of the woods but I got away.
Submitted 12/17/2009 -UFO Spotted in Chicago-It sounded like Nothing on Earth, Like a UFO.
Submitted 12/01/2009 -Two Fire Orbs Spotted in The Sky-We watched them dance in the sky.
Submitted 11/25/2009 -Aliens, UFOs, and Triangles-What does the triangle mean?
Submitted 11/08/2009 -Large Metallic Disk Hovering in the Sky-Three witnesses one a scientist.
Submitted 11/03/2009 -Black Triangle UFO in the Sky -It was there and then gone in a blink of an eye.
Submitted 10/12/2009 -Dancing Lights in the Sky in Liverpool UK-My wife and I both saw the UFO.
Submitted 09/28/2009 -A Possible Abduction-Is it possible that I was abducted?
Submitted 09/14/2009 -An Orange Ball Of Fire in the Sky-I could see the ship with my telescope.
Submitted 08/26/2009 -UFO Sighting Over Chateauguay Quebec-It was huge and right in front of me and the scouts.
Submitted 08/19/2009 -Sleeping I Woke Up To Three Aliens Hovering Over My Bed-The next day I had marks on my arm.
Submitted 08/19/2009 -A Very Close Alien Encounter In The UK-We could make out 2 figures. Needless to say we were scared.
Submitted 08/10/2009 -A Life Time Of UFO Sightins-I was abducted.
Submitted 08/01/2009 -Lots of UFOs Sighted Over Mountains-They were shiny, silver, and fast.
Submitted 07/26/2009 -A Pink Sky And 3 UFOs-There were three triagle UFOs in the sky.
Submitted 07/08/2009 -Real Aliens Sighted In Field-They were right in front of my face.
Submitted 07/05/2009 -UFO Hiding In The Clouds-It was not my first encounter.
Submitted 07/04/2009 -Abduction and Oval Rash Marks On Body-I don't think they want to hurt us.
Submitted 06/26/2009 -We Were Making Dinner Then Wam 5 hours later-We were in a field.
Submitted 06/16/2009 -My Friend Set Me Up With An Alien-I went outside and got abducted.
Submitted 06/16/2009 -The UFO Was So Close.-I could see the alien at the controls.
Submitted 05/27/2009 -The UFO Was So Close.-I could see the alien at the controls.
Submitted 05/12/2009 -UFO Sighting 1960 Canton Ohio.-Thats When I knew You can't believe what is told.
Submitted 05/08/2009 --Aliens in Puerto Rico backyard.-IT GIVES U THE CHILLS RIGHT?
Submitted 04/17/2009 -Under CIA or Alien Mind Control-They can get me anywhere.-Caves, under water, anywhere.
Submitted 04/15/2009 -Large Ship Just Hovering-My mom took all the kids to see.
Submitted 03/26/2009 -Abducted From Bed Room-Strange Powers Ever Since.
Submitted 03/25/2009 -UFO Spotted in NY-It stopped right in front of me.
Submitted 03/24/2009 -Reptilian Alien Found By US Government-Needless to Say they were killed.
Submitted 03/22/2009 -Red and Green Flying Flashing Orbs-They were chasing each other, then disappeared.
Submitted 03/18/2009 -A Paralyzing White Light and Abduction-My cat kept looking at the sky.
Submitted 02/14/2009 -Three Orb's in the Sky-Burned a Park!
Submitted 02/13/2009 -Abduction While Camping.-A Huge Triangle Ship in Texas
Submitted 02/12/2009 -Alien Encounter on Cruise Ship.-There was no Where to Run.
Submitted 02/12/2009 -Lights in the Sky.-I saw dancing stars and don't remember the rest of the night.
Submitted 02/11/2009 -Fire Ball in the Sky.-By the Indo-China Border
Submitted 08/03/08 -The Alien White Light Of Knowledge-I now know more than I ever did.
Submitted 07/27/08 -UFO Sighting In Connecticut-We have the picture.
Submitted 07/24/08 -My 84 Year Old Aunt-Why would she lie.
Submitted 07/09/08 -Abducted By Aliens-And saved by wife.
Submitted 07/08/08 -Close Alien Encounter-Visiting aliens performing tests.
Submitted 07/07/08 -Alien Outside Of The Window-Imagine the fear
Submitted 04/29/08 -Tennessee Lights-A UFO in the Sky everynight...
Submitted 04/09/08 -It Looked Like A Moth Man-It looked like a tiny person with moth wings!!!
Submitted 04/06/2008 -Visiting Aliens in British Columbia-Late at night a UFO comes down from the sky...
Submitted 04/06/2008 -UFO Abduction and Missing Time-Driving Down the Road next thing you know it's three hours later...
Submitted 02/04/2008-Returning Visitor-Waking up in Texas to a glowing Man-like being and dreaming of floating in the air...