Alien and UFO Pictures from Olympic Penninsula
Date Submitted: 12/24/2015
Visiter: Adam G.
1) night photo of trees and stars. No anomoly visible. Tweaked photo shows major anomoly.2) plasma like tethered entity in sky
3), )4 the same entity, zoomed and rotated
5) the entity from the night photo ..same .jpg image adjusted to show near-visible radiation
6) a large plasma orb in night sky
7) orb gives of radio rings
8) two photos from stationary position show orb rotating w apparent purpose
9) the same orb with high definition photography,
10) same as high def image, adjusted to screw ultraviolet out and increase the infrared signature.
11) odd behavior in clouds over this tree
12) odd cloud formation over tree again, different day. Cloud appears to be supporting a large invisible cube. And appears to have a long appendage stretching from cloud to tree
13) another of cloud formation, saucer ufos uncloaking.
14) ALIEN* strange small human shaped green light appeared in my feild
15) digitally zoomed in on the "green guy"
16) additional zoom and contrast
17-19) different contrast levels
20 triptic showing an art souvenir and two of my contrast adjusted photos I believe it shows a similarity in body structure, possibly also observed by ancients.
21) animals, especially birds, often seem T be " Tethered avatars" joined to a cl mom ml oaked mass via nearly visible appendages, these appendages ay times appear as snake-like skin, or as containing a string I'd odd faces, even when tether is nit visible, birds and their immediate surroundings dont look quite right. Odd electric interference around the head and eyes, and surroundings. Close inspection of surroundings reveal a startling montage of faces, blurry features, glowing eyes, mouths, hands. Claws, giant leaves, monster faces, unnatural right angles and triangles in vegetation, etc.