Illuminati Hidden Symbols in Cartoons and Movies
Interesting Illuminati symbols in children's cartoons and other media. There's a lot out there floating around our culture and movies.
Duck tails in the background. I used to love this cartoon as a kid. (Ask About Illuminati).

More Duck Tails symbolism I think this might be from the movie. I don't remember it's been forever.

Suite Life of Zack and Cody is another Disney show where it actually has the word Illuminati in the background. No random coincidence there.

Goofy with the Illuminati eye.

Nickelodeon with the Illuminati triangle just like on our U.S. money.

Peggy from King of the Hill holding a triangle below an alien with the Earth in the background that says one world like the NWO (New World Order).

The scariest part of these is they're all children cartoons. Are they trying to spread and teach a certain hidden message to us and our children?
This one is interesting. Tom and Gerry Illuminati triangle worship video. This thing's eye starts glowing and they start to worship.
The Illuminati on our U.S. money.

Here's a bunch more Illuminati symbols in movies and cartoons.
Simpsons Eye

Simpsons Toys

Eye on Door

Sponge Bob Pyramid

Illuminati Eye

Loony Toons with the good ole all seeing eye with the pyramid

Sponge Bob with Pyramid and Eye



More Disney Illuminati stuff.

A Family Guy clip that shows them walk by a book with a pyramid with an Illuminati eye on it.
By Pop ScreenHere's a Geico commercial that when the bolt is dropped it shows a tiny Illuminati symbol on it. You can just barely see it.

And here's the Geico commercial video. Around 00:08
A Pepsi Can with the Illuminati symbols on it in a commercial.

It seems that the reach of he Illuminati goes into the gamers industry as well.
Wolfenstein 2009 - You can see the obvious triangle and eye right in front of the player, but there is another similar symbol in the bottom left corner.

Call of Duty Black Ops - Throughout the game there are random triangles with the all seeing eyes.

Halo 1 - This Active Camo Pickup is a nice example of random symbols throughout video games.

L.A. Noire - In the credits.

Celebrities with Illuminati Symbols. Are these celebrities involved in the Illuminati?
Lady Gaga

Lil' Wayne

Rapper Drake

Chris Brown Illuminati Tattoo

Jay Z Triangle

Disney's Miley Cyrus