Proof of Reptilian Shape Shifters
For those that aren't up-to-date on reptilians you can read more about them here.
This thread is going to be all about exposing alien reptilians and the proof that they exist using testimony, images, and videos of reptilians in the act of shape shifting or showing signs of being alien.
Many believe that the reptilians have infiltrated many parts of our Governments and other parts of our society such as entertainers and people in high finance positions in an effort to try and control us and eventually take over the world.
Reptilian Eyes in Humans
CNN Reporter Brian Todd a Shape Shifter?
Here we have Hillery Clinton and both Bushes showing reptilian alien eyes, cheeks, and scales.
Jennifer Lopez, Nick Carter, & Angelina Jolie. Could they be Reptilian aliens?
Beyonce may very well be a shape shifting reptilian. Look nest to her eye. In fact, she says she feels like she transforms while performing. Not really that abnormal for someone in that business to say, but she seems to really transform.

Beyonce Knowles says she becomes someone else when she's onstage, an alter ego she's even given a name to: Sasha. "I wouldn't like Sasha if I met her offstage," the 25-year-old singer-actress tells Parade magazine in its Dec. 17 issue. "Oh, no. She's too aggressive, too strong, too sassy, too sexy! I'm not her in real life at all. I'm not flirtatious and super-confident and fearless like her."
Is Queen Elizabeth II a reptilian shape shifter? Here we see her reptilian eye and teeth coming through.

Is U.S. President Obama a reptilian shape shifter? You can see here that his reptilian cheek bones are coming through his skin in this shot.

Michelle Obama a reptilian? Her teeth do not look like that and are in the process of morphing.

Bush sr. Everyone is sure he is a reptilian.

You can see Hillary Clinton morphing on the side of her face as well as her reptilian eye.

Here we have 3 different instances where Hillary is missing her teeth for a brief second. Another morphing sign.