Alien Reptilians
The Reptilians or Reptoids alien race (which is a word mixed from reptilians and humanoids and are the same creature) are human looking lizard creatures that can shape shift. They are also known as dinosauroids, lizardfolk, lizardmen Saurians alpha draconians, and Sauroids.
Reptilians are tall, around 7 to 9 feet, have green scaly skin, three long fingers and an opposable thumb with talons on the ends, holes for ears, muscular legs and arms, and large eyes. There have been reports of Reptilians with and without tails, with and without wings, and hidden genitalia. They have been sighted wearing very little clothes except for armor, but are always seen with some sort of utility belt said to be used to help them become invisible.

Reptilians and The New World Order
Reptilians are a very dangerous alien species that are bent on the domination of Earth. They are very intelligent, known as evil, have telekinetic powers and have a warlike mentality that has driven them to secretly incorporate themselves into our society for their cause. Some conspiracy theories suspect that many important leaders are actually Reptilians acting as humans in order to help them with their agenda (From as George W. Bush to members of the British royal family).
There are a few different theories as to where the Reptilians actually come from. Some say that they were here on Earth before us humans and live in secret underground, in various caverns around the world while others believe that they are from the Alpha Draconi star system of the Orion Constellation or both.
Reptilians The Pyramids The Mayans and The Bible
The Reptilians have been around since the beginning of mankind and have been thought to have given the human race much of its early technology, helped build the pyramids, worked with the Mayans, and helped start early religions pretending to be Gods and manipulating Adam and Eve in the Bible (While dealing with the story of the Garden of Eden, the Midrash also deals with the serpent. It declares that before causing Adam and Eve to sin, "it had legs" (Bereishit Rabbah, 19). According to this, the serpent was once a tall, splendid and regal creature. When its fate was decided and it is written that "upon thy belly shall thou go" (Bereishit 3:14), "the ministering angels descended and cut off its arms and legs" (Bereishit Rabbah, 20).
This tradition gives the image of the enticing serpent an impressive dimension, that has repercussions on many viewpoints of the ancient world, which saw the serpent as representing forces of evil on one hand and as possessing supernatural powers on the other hand.). Unfortunately their final goal is to eventually enslave the human race in the "New World Order" and use humans for mining and other physical tasks when the time is right.
Out of all the different types of aliens visiting Earth the Reptilians are by far the most dangerous to our very existence as humans. They have very little respect for us and want the Earth for themselves. Some say that the greys have been working against the Reptilians in order to help the human race, but it is unclear why. They may have a similar agenda and just don't want the reptilians to acquire the Earth before them.
Reptilian Pictures