Top Secret Government UFO Disclosure Files, Reports, and Documents
UFO Files
FBI UFO Disclosure Files, Reports, and Documents

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), who's motto is "Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity," was founded in 1908 with the help of Theodore Roosevelt who thought that it was important to have a national U.S. police force, which at the time was met with unfavorability with the voting public. The FBI's main function is intelligence and law enforcement focused on national security threats.
Starting in the late 1940s the FBI started investigating "flying saucer" UFO sightings around the country in order to determine the national threat associated with them. One of these investigations include the famous Roswell incident case. (See below for the official FBI files)
Some notable FBI cases that we have on file:
View All FBI UFO Documents on File
CIA UFO Disclosure Files, Reports, and Documents

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), created in 1947 with the signing of the National Security Act by President Harry S. Truman, is in charge of collecting intelligence for the U.S. with the use of every means necessary for the purpose of national security.
Between the 1950s until present, they have been collecting data on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) not only in the United States but also around the world in order to deem whether or not they are a threat.
Some notable CIA cases that we have on file:
Saucer Shaped UFO Chased - Changes Shape at Will
Saucers Over Argentina, Chilean, British Bases in Antarctica
Mayor Sees Flying Saucer Land and Sees Two Aliens
View All CIA UFO Documents on File
NSA UFO Disclosure Files, Reports, and Documents

The National Security Agency (NSA) was established in 1972. Its key responsibility is to protect the nation from threats here and abroad. It collects information from around the world to help aid in U.S. defence and counter intelligence.
Since its inception they have been analysing past and present UFO and alien reports from around the world to get a better understanding of the possible threat these unknown objects may pose. They work closely with all branches of the U.S. military and intelligence agencies and have researched many UFO files.
Some notable NSA cases that we have on file:
NSA Says Prepare for UFO Sneak Attack
Cat and Mouse with Iran UFO Chase
Great UFO Chase by Iranian Air Force
UK UFO Disclosure Files, Reports, and Documents

The National Archives in the UK was established between 2003 and 2006. During that time four Government agencies were combined to from a singular agency.
With the combination of these agencies, which included the Ministry of Defence, they created a website where information can be gathered easily and downloaded by the public. Within these documents are tens of thousands of alien and UFO files. We've taken the time to go through them, and picked out almost all of the documents that referred to extraterrestrials.
Some notable UK cases that we have on file:
View All UK UFO Documents on FileArmy UFO Disclosure Files, Reports, and Documents

The US Army was established June 14, 1775 and then officially on June 3rd, 1784.
With such a long period of time of being in existence we have put together 357 pages of released documentation on the UFO phenomenon.
The 357 page file:
View All US Army UFO Documents on FileNASA UFO Disclosure Files, Reports, and Documents

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) was established July 29, 1958 and is the branch responsible for putting people and robotics in space for the US.
NASA continues to deny the existance of alien life, but some videos and documents slip. You can see the pictures and videos here.
The 131 page file:
View All US NASA UFO Documents on File